Will return a NodeList of nodes called names contained within the someElement node. 将返回一个包含在someElement节点中称为names的节点NodeList。
You use it when you know the XPath expression will only return a single node or you don't want more than one node. 只有知道XPath表达式只返回一个节点或者只需要一个节点时才使用它。
Even if the Oracle nodes come back up, the Oracle DTP service will not return to the freshly restarted RAC node. 即使Oracle节点恢复,OracleDTP服务也不会返回到刚刚重启的RAC节点。
If you return false from the visit() method, the children of this node won't be visited. 如果visit()方法返回false,那么该节点的子接点将不会被访问。
Return: Using a return clause lets you operate on a node set, but then return ( in results) something other than that node set. return:使用return子句允许您操作操作节点集,随后返回除该节点集以外的结果。
It takes at least two polling cycles to retrieve a job and then return results, and it could take additional cycles depending on how long the job actually takes to process on the node. 检索作业和返回结果至少要耗费两个轮询周期,并且根据节点处理作业实际花费的时间,可能会耗费更多周期。
However, the XPath functions name() and local-name() return the prefix when applied to a namespace node. 不过,XPath函数name()和local-name()在应用于名称空间节点时会返回前缀。
At that time, zip/ root will zip/ up to the top of the tree, applying any changes along the way, and return the root node. 此时,zip/root将zip/up至树顶端,在此过程中应用所有更改,并返回根节点。
Finally, the RETURN clause returns the new node representing the scheduled termination date so that DB2 will update data in the DOCUMENT column with the modified data. 最后,RETURN子句返回代表预定终止日期的新节点,所以DB2将用修改后的数据更新DOCUMENT列中的数据。
The return value of this constructor is a node that you can add to the tree in the same way as the nodes in the above example. 该构造函数的返回值是一个节点,可以使用与上面示例中相同的方式将其添加到树中。
They are lightweight databases with minimum overhead since they simply return the node and member pointers requested by the application. 它们是系统开销最小的轻量级数据库,因为它们仅仅返回应用程序所请求的节点和成员指针。
In both cases, the XPath evaluation does not return any node and there is no exception. 在两种情况下,XPath求值并不返回任何节点,而且也没有任何异常。
It is quite natural to write XPath expressions like/ html/ head/ title, but such expressions return an empty node set, because the input document contains no elements like title. 比较常见的情况是编写/html/head/title这样的XPath表达式,但是这类表达式会返回一个空的节点集,因为输入文档不会包含title这样的元素。
For example, the next two queries may return the same result, but only if all "price" elements encountered during the query execution have a single text node and no other child nodes. 例如,下面两个查询可能返回相同的结果,但条件是仅当查询执行过程中所遇到的全部“price”元素都拥有单个文本节点且没有其他子节点。
These subproblems are then distributed to worker nodes, which solve the problem and return the results to the master node. 然后将这些子问题发布给工作节点,由它处理后再将结果返回给主节点。
The only time this predicate won't return an element is if the node set itself is empty, when the root element indicated is not named the same as a document's actual root element. 只有当节点集本身为空,即给出的根元素名称和文档实际的根元素不同,这种情况下才不会返回任何元素。
As using return circuit current and node voltage method to solve the circuit containing ideal power source, making use of the known quantity of ideal power source directly can simplify the calculation. 用回路电流法和节点电压法求解含有理想电源的电路时,直接利用理想电源的已知量,可使计算简化。
So we propose the algorithm uses the special position of the boundary nodes to collect the time information from different reference nodes and compare them. The boundary nodes calculate and return the different value to the reference node which includes lager error. 算法利用了边界节点所在的特殊位置,采集到由不同参考节点发出的同步时间信息并进行分析计算后向误差较大的参考节点返回计算的差值。
In the process which use of return contract to coordinate global supply chain, we must consider the problem how to effectively avoid the risks which due to the rate fluctuations, because of the order and return in two time node need payment. 在使用退货契约来协调跨国供应链的过程中,由于在订货和退货这两个时间节点都需要支付货款,所以如何有效避免汇率波动带来的风险就是跨国供应链中的企业所必须思考的问题。